Strokestown International Poetry Festival


 Maudgalayana Perambulates

Maudgalayana, curious to measure

the distance he can walk and still hear

the Buddha speak, counts footfalls: one-two-three-

four-five-and so on, he walks around the circle

of earth, around this world system straight 

past galaxies to where great beings dwell.

Possessed with magic eye and ear, he steps left

right-left right, the Buddha's words still heard -

one million one-one million two-one million

three - his ears hear just what he needs to hear.

A great being looks down on his begging bowl,

sees a speck moving around its rim.  This noble one

hears the Buddha's voice too, in a different timbre

to match the size and needs of this one's mind.

A friend leans in to observe the procession

of the mite on the edge.

Don't blow it off, it's Maudgalayana.  He's got magical

powers and is a disciple of the Buddha.

Their breaths form a gusty wind as Maudgalayana

hears and sees them with his magical eye and ear,

transforms himself to their size, and greets them.

He feels a bit pleased with himself. The bowl owner speaks:

Maudgalayana, the power of all the buddhas is beyond

measurement.  They are everywhere to help -

present at all times. It's just difficult to perceive them.

Ordinary beings see through myopic lens - not how things are.

Maudgalayana inhales leaf sighs, shifting his knees

as his friend Shariputra, finishes one eye blink.